Date: May 3rd, 2023

The 2023 Somerset Elementary PTSA nominating committee hereby places the following names into nomination:

For the officer of president(s):

Anqi Wang

Open co-president

For the office of secretary:


For the office of treasurer:

Yuan Li

For the office of VP communications:

Susan Su

For the office of VP programs:


For the office of VP Ways & Means:



The nominating committee has confirmed that all nominees have been a member of a PTA for at least 15* days prior to the election, and meet other requirements as stated in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws. (*For councils, nominees shall have been a member of a local PTA in the council for at least 30 days preceding the election.)


Respectfully submitted,

<Chu Chen> Signature: _______Chu Chen_________________

<Ching Fong> Signature: _Ching Fong __________________

<Anqi Wang> Signature: _Anqi Wang_______________________

If you have any questions, please email

What is the Nominating Committee?

WSPTA requires a Nominating Committee to recognize and recruit the most qualified people
available for elected PTA positions as defined by the local PTA or council standing rules.

The Somerset PTSA Nominating Committee is an elected 3-member committee that is responsible for identifying potential candidates to serve as elected officers on the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee will be elected at the April 20 General Membership Meeting, after which they will meet and review nominees to prepare a slate of officers to present for election at the May 18 General Membership Meeting. 

Effective candidates for the Nominating Committee:

  • Are familiar with and passionate about the mission, needs, and goals of the Somerset PTSA and the larger PTA network it belongs to (regional, state, national)
  • Are willing to work and devote considerable time to furthering the purposes and programs of the PTSA
  • Possess tact, integrity, discretion, and the ability to hold their own counsel
  • Have the courage to express their ideas and defend their convictions
  • Demonstrate sound judgment and skill in evaluating potential nominees
  • Are capable of understanding and maintaining complete confidentiality
  • Represent the diversity that is present in the community and student population
  • Should be elected on merit and ability – never on popularity

WSPTA provides guides and materials for the Nominating Committee.

Our mission is to support the education, health, and welfare of each and every child at Somerset Elementary School. As part of the Washington State PTA, we are a nonprofit membership association bringing together the home, school, and community on behalf of our children.